
He’s a bad neighbor but he gives great head

A mean with a tie stares at a woman lying in bed ewaring lingerie
Oral Sex
Romantic/Wedding Night

Daily Sizzle

1 year ago

He’s a bad neighbor but he gives great head

He was cocky yet hot, so I married him.
He may have been a bad neighbor but he gives great head, so he makes for a great husband!

Note: This is an Extended Epilogue to Bad Neighbor, by Jamie Knight. It was recently published on Sizzling Hot Reads in the box set Sexy Mama. This story is bonus content exclusive to newsletter subscribers who loved the characters and asked for more! But you don’t have to have read the book to understand this story. Enjoy!

I couldn’t believe I’d gone from single mom, to fake fiancée, to very real fiancée, of the neighbor I used to hate! And today I was becoming his wife.I walked down the aisle, feeling like time was suspended. All of our wedding guests had their eyes on me as I ventured towards my destiny and towards Chase, the love of my life, who stood under the altar waiting for me. The small chapel was illuminated by the soft light of candles, which flickered ever so slightly, almost in time with my pounding heartbeat. It was a moment I knew I would cherish forever—one filled with love and serenity as I came face-to-face with the beautiful man who would be standing by my side for the rest of our lives. He stood waiting for me beneath an ivory drape stretched over two golden rods that were adorned with fresh roses, which had been placed on top of the altar. Whitney had worked hard to decorate our ceremony space for us, and I appreciated her attention to detail and her eye for beautiful things. Chase’s eyes were fixed on mine until I was standing right in front of him, at which point he smiled and bent down to kiss me. Whitney had already pulled Katie down the aisle in a little wagon, and once I was that close to her, she cried out, “Mama!,” causing the audience to laugh.I wrapped my arm around her and Chase reached out to put his hand on my belly. Katie excitedly reached her own hand up to do the same, joining his so that they were holding hands on top of my baby bump, which made the baby kick at both of them happily as our wedding photographer snapped photos.

I was six months pregnant now, and Katie was so excited to be getting a little brother. We had found out his sex and had decided to call him Charlie, because we liked how the two names sounded together, and we liked how the name sounded a lot like “Chase,” but not enough to be an exact replica of it, since we wanted him to feel free to be his own person rather than his dad’s carbon copy.

We’d been to a lawyer to start official legal proceedings so that Chase could adopt Katie. But we had to wait until after we filed the marriage certificate. Today was bringing us that much closer to that goal, as well as sealing our fate as husband and wife until death do us part.

I tried not to giggle as I thought about all the times I’d wanted to murder Chase when he was my annoying neighbor. Now, I felt very differently about him of course, and I was glad for the twists of fate that had brought us together like this, even if I’d resisted them at first.

I was so glad, in fact, that I’d written my own vows, but as our officiant started the ceremony, I began second-guessing that decision. I was nervous and worried I’d get stage fright!

But when it came time for me to talk, suddenly all that mattered was Chase and me—and Katie and Charlie. It felt like we were standing here all by ourselves, and I just wanted to take this opportunity to let all three of them know how much I loved them.

Clearing my throat, I took my husband’s hands into my own and spoke the words that I’d meticulously crafted, with Whitney’s prior input and help, paying attention to every last syllable that I spoke from my heart with sincerity and love.

“I, Ashlyn, take you, Chase, to be my beloved husband. From this day forward I vow to work together with you to build a life of joy and safety for us both, to offer you my unyielding loyalty in marriage, to find solutions as a unit when times get tough and to remain devoted throughout the highs and lows and the ups and downs of life.”

Now I winked at him because it was time for the funny part that I hoped he’d appreciate.

“We have definitely already experienced a lot of the lows back when we were enemies, so now I figure there will be a whole lot of highs!”

Luckily, he laughed, as did our guests. And when it came time to say his vows to me, he blended his own mix of sweetness and humor as well. First, he vowed to be there for both of our children and for me, always. And then he vowed not to fight with me anymore, ever, because he said he knew from experience that I’d always win!

“I now pronounce you husband and wife… for real,” the officiant said, letting me know that Chase had clued him in on that joke in advance.

We laughed again but it was cut short as the officiant added, “You may kiss bride!”

The kiss was sensual and I couldn’t wait to explore my new husband’s mouth further. But I broke away, since Katie and other kids were present, and then we went to celebrate at our reception.

But as soon as the speeches were over and everyone had eaten and danced—with Chase sweeping Katie into his arms and then embracing me so that the four of us were squeezed tightly together on the dance floor, with the baby kicking at me the whole time—he gave me that knowing look.

“Hey, sexy mama,” he whispered. “Do you think it’s too early to leave our own party?”

“I think it’s our wedding and we can do whatever we want,” I answered.

We both smiled at it each other mischievously and then I looked down and saw Katie’s droopy eyes.

“We should get her to bed anyway,” I added, before nodding at Whitney, who was across the room.

She came over and congratulated us and told Katie to say goodbye to her mom and dad. She would be staying with her on our wedding night.

I hugged them both tight and thanked Whitney for all her help. And then Chase and I left, while everyone cheered and threw confetti at us.

After that, we checked into our resort room, so that we could properly celebrate our first night of being married.

The King-sized bed was so comfy with its silk sheets that I almost drifted right off to sleep. Being pregnant was tiring!

As if Chase could sense my exhaustion, he crawled onto the bed and began massaging my thighs.

“I think my pregnant wife deserves all the attention tonight,” he said. “And all my tender loving care.”

“It’s okay,” I insisted, because previously he’d been worried that he would hurt me or the baby if he fucked me too hard while I was pregnant. “There’s still plenty of time to do the deed before the baby gets here. After that, we’ll have to take some time off, of course.”

“Then I’d better enjoy this while I can,” he said, slipping a hand up under my dress and hooking his fingers inside my panties. “My cock is really going to miss it!”

He slid my underwear to the side and began massaging my pussy.

“Then again, there are other places you can put it during our temporary reprieve from vaginal penetration,” I joked.

“Oh, yeah?” he asked, momentarily fingering the rim of my ass hole. “Like here?”

“Yeah,” I told him with a naughty grin.

“Well, I guess we’ll see about that when the time comes,” he said. “But for now, I want to enjoy tasting you while I can!”

He slipped the skirt part of my dress up over my head and then took off my panties before lying me back down on the bed, with my legs spread wide.

“I’ve been thinking about this all day,” he said, putting his mouth so close to my pussy that I could feel his breath on it. “I couldn’t wait to taste my wife’s delicious cunt.”

And then I felt it— his mouth pressing lightly against my clit, first licking and then sucking in light circles around my sensitive bud before plunging his tongue deep inside my hole, tasting every inch beneath the velvety folds.

“Oh, yes, that feels so good,” I moaned, so glad I had married him and that he could do this for the rest of my life. “I love how you lick my pussy!”

Chase reached up to squeeze one of my nipples, and then he rubbed it in between his fingers while his tongue dove deeper into my pussy hole. With his other hand, he worked my clit, pressing and pinching it until it was soaked with my own juices, mixed with his saliva.

He licked and teased until I was moaning with pleasure, my body trembling with need as he brought me to the brink of orgasm.

“Oh, yes, oh, hubby!” I called out, as he squeezed my nipple and sucked hard on my clit.

Finally, when I couldn’t take it anymore, his tongue thrust deep inside my pussy and sent waves of pleasure racing through my body as I came hard against his mouth. As my breathing returned to normal, he pulled away.

“We should probably rest up now,” he said, rather regretfully, as he looked down at my pussy, which was still spread wide open for him. “I know it’s been a long day and you and the baby need your sleep.”

“Don’t be silly,” I said, gesturing towards it and seeing that it was still slick with cum. “You gave me such good head that it rejuvenated me. Now I couldn’t possibly go to sleep without enjoying that big, hard cock of yours all the way inside me while we can still do that!”

It was pretty rare that we had a night to ourselves without Katie, and I knew that these times would be even fewer and further between once Charlie arrived.

“Okay, if you insist,” Chase said with a grin.

“I do,” I told him. “And you know how I can get when I’m in a bad mood.”

“That’s true. I wouldn’t want you to get grumpy,” he said, as he took off his tuxedo, revealing his chiseled abs and toned six-pack abs. “So, I’d better give my wife what she wants.”

“Yes, you’d better.”

My husband’s strong arms encircled me, pulling me close as he moved over my body. His breath was hot on my neck and I felt the warmth of him radiating between us.

His lips met mine in a passionate kiss before they trailed down to nuzzle against my collarbone. He slipped his hands up along my stomach and caressed every inch of skin until it lit up with pleasurable sensations that had me trembling beneath him.

With one smooth action, he unzipped my wedding dress and then pulled it off over my head and settled himself on top of me before pushing his cock ever so slightly inside my pussy, for the most exquisite feeling of pleasure that we could possibly share together.

“I love how my cock feels when it’s lodged deep inside that hot little pussy of yours,” he said, as he thrust in and out.

“You’re stretching it so wide open and stuffing it full,” I told him. “It feels so good.”

His hands were gentle on my nipples as he teased them, sending a tingle through me while his lips were caressing mine. His expert touch sent shocks of pleasure throughout my body, each one feeling more intense than the last.

“You were such a bad neighbor,” he told me, “but now you’re a great wife.”

“Look who’s talking!” I said with a giggle, but he quieted me by lightly slapping the side of my ass while he pounded his cock harder and deeper inside of me.

He gently spanked me in time to every thrust of his hips, pushing his cock deeper into me and taking us both higher and higher with a feeling of amazing ecstasy, until I was crying out with pleasure.

“Oh, my God, Chase!” I called out. “Yes, oh, God, yes.”

“Fuck yeah, Ashlyn,” he grunted, and I could tell he was on the brink of an orgasm, just like I was.

The sensations flooding through my body were overwhelming as he teased me further with light touches against my sensitive skin, prolonging our blissful wedding night for a bit longer before cumming right along with me, his cock shooting out a warm load of his cum deep inside my pussy as he did so.

I was spent, and yet I was already anticipating the next time. Would he put his cock in my ass like he’d hinted that he wanted to do?

“That was so hot,” he panted, before lying down next to me and taking me into his strong arms. “I love that we get to do this for the rest of our lives. Or at least, whenever our kids are out of the house and we have some privacy!”

“I love that idea, too,” I told him, before kissing him passionately. “And I love you!”

“I love you too, so much,” he said, as we both started driving off to sleep, tired from the long, exciting day. “Always and forever.”

The End… for now.

But there’s more where this came from. A bonus follow-up story featuring these same two characters, in fact, which is exclusive to Daily Sizzle subscribers. As a member, you get a HOT story every single day, which is often too taboo for Amazon or other platforms. And you get access to every single story that’s been published into the subscription program. All for only $5/month! Click here to read the next story if you’re a Daily Sizzle member, or to subscribe if you want to become one!