
I Gave My Stepbrother a BJ

A young blonde woman wearing white lingerie is kneeling

Daily Sizzle

1 year ago

I Gave My Stepbrother a BJ

He was my husband now and we were celebrating our one-year wedding anniversary and the birth of our baby girl! So, he deserved it… but I didn’t realize how hot it would be for me, too!

Note: This is an extended epilogue to His Curvy Stepsister.

You don’t have to have read that book to enjoy this steamy story, but check it out here if you’d like!

By Jules Marie


It had been a year since I’d married my stepbrother, Corey, and yet it still sounded a little strange, when I said it like that!

But I couldn’t help it that one of the many men my mom had married in her never-ending string of husbands had been his father.

All I knew was that whenever he looked at me, my heart and my panties instantly melted. From the first time I ever saw, until now.

And now, my heart melted even more every time I looked at our daughter, Jessica. Especially when he was holding her in his arms, rocking her to sleep.

She looked so tiny resting in the crook of his big muscles. And so content.

“Good night, my precious,” I said, leaning down and kissing her head as she nodded off.

Corey spent another moment gazing down at her himself before passing her to the babysitter we’d hired for the night. She was just out of the first few months of her newborn stage, and so this was the first time we’d be going out without her. It happened to coincide wonderfully with our anniversary!

Jessica didn’t stir as she was transferred to the babysitter’s arms. She’d been a calm, easy-going baby since birth, so I felt very lucky!

And tonight, I had a lot to celebrate with my stepbrother-turned-husband!

I had gotten all dolled up in a silver dress that sparkled. We went to a fancy, trendy restaurant we hadn’t yet gotten to try because it had opened when I was heavily pregnant.

It was still all the rage—so much so that it was often hard to get in—but Corey had made us a reservation over a month ago.

The hostess smiled as she walked us back to our table after calling out our married named, which I still loved to hear!

The sound of “Mr. and Mrs.” was like music to my ears. And this restaurant was like a treat for my eyes!

As I peered around the place, its elegance was immediately apparent. The entire ambiance screamed great taste in more ways than just with regard to the palate.

The white tablecloths and fine crystal glittered in the candlelight, while a gilt-edged mirror cast sparkly reflections along the walls. Soft music played in the background and patrons could be seen conversing quietly at their tables as if they were at an intimate gathering rather than a busy establishment.

Every aspect of it combined to create a truly luxurious atmosphere that conveyed sophistication and opulence with every glance or gesture.

But after we ordered and our food arrived, I realized that the atmosphere wasn’t the only way that the restaurant showed good taste. The food practically exploded into tiny, delightful pieces in my mouth, tasting so delicious that I thought I’d nearly died and gone to Heaven!

Everything I ordered was exquisite; it melted like butter in my mouth, and lay on my tongue with a pleasant but subtle complexity that left me wanting more. I savored each bite of my steak, delighting in the interplay of flavors from spices from around the world.

The wine to accompany this experience was an ideal partner—its silky body was married perfectly with sweet fruits and inviting aromas to complete a truly sublime culinary journey.

We were ordering dessert when I saw a semi-familiar face.

“Well, hello, Vanessa,” a snotty-sounding voice said as the person I was trying to recall walked up to my table.

“Adele,” I answered, her name finally coming to me.

She and I had gone to high school together and she’d always been the jealous type, wanting to bring everyone down to her own level.

She looked down her nose at me and asked, “Is it true that you married your stepbrother? I heard a nasty rumor around town but I just didn’t think that sounded like the sweet, little innocent Vanessa I knew back in school.”

I saw Corey’s facial expression freeze, knowing that he and I had always dreaded situations like this.

But I didn’t miss a beat.

“Yes, I did,” I said, with a smile on my face. “And it was the best decision I ever made.”

Adele looked horrified, as if I had told her I’d joined a Satanic cult.

“But why would you do such a thing? Isn’t it kind of taboo or something?”

I sighed before answering, as if it almost wasn’t worth my time to explain the workings of love to someone like her who could never understand.

“Well, I thought long and hard about this and decided that marrying someone who already knew me on such an intimate level was better than taking a chance with some stranger who could potentially turn out to be worse than my stepbrother. Such as someone who could end up cheating on me or leaving me like your husband did.”

Adele looked shocked, and hurried off without saying anything further.

“Bravo!” Corey said, exploding into a slow clap. “That was very well done.”

“Well, thank you,” I told him. “But that tart comment of hers has ruined my appetite for dessert!”

“My appetite for something else is alive and well,” he said with a wink. “I was already looking forward to celebrating our anniversary with you at the hotel I booked us for the night, but now I’m even more ready to get started, after that wonderful performance you just gave!”

“Okay, let’s not waste time, then,” I said, giving him my own wink in return.

I called the sitter on our way to the hotel, who assured me that Jessica was still sleeping soundly, with a full belly. I had pumped milk and left it for her before setting out on our date night, since I knew she would likely wake up overnight wanting another feeding, but I still felt nervous since it was my first time time being without her for a whole night.

“Don’t worry,” Corey said, squeezing my hand in the backseat of the limo. “She’ll be just fine. You’re a great mom.”

“Thank you,” I told him, smiling gratefully.

He knew that my biggest fear was becoming like my own horrible mother. But he often reassured me that that would never happen.

It was true that I loved our daughter so much and never wanted to hurt her the way my mother hurt me. And I never wanted to leave Corey or be with any other guy the way my mother had constantly left all the guys she’d ever been with.

I knew it was unconventional and taboo—as Adele had put it—to have fallen for my stepbrother, but I couldn’t help what my heart—and pussy!—wanted. I had had to give into my desires and I was so glad that I had.

As we approached the hotel and the limo driver dropped us off in front of it, I looked up at the majestic building with its beautiful architecture and smiled happily, because I knew it was time to show him just how much I really did love and appreciate him!


As soon as we were inside our hotel suite, Corey started pulling off my clothes. It was like he couldn’t wait to make love to me for the first time in nearly four months, and I couldn’t blame him, because I felt the same exact way!

I felt my chest constrict as Corey approached me, his eyes looking into mine with a mysterious passion. His fingers reached out and started to unbutton my shirt, slowly pulling it off of me until I stood exposed in the middle of the room.

“I love looking at those curvy breasts of yours,” he said, as he reached out a hand and lightly twisted my nipples, which were hard and pointy for him.

His hands danced around my body like butterflies on petals and sent a shiver down my spine. My skin ached for his touch, so he embraced me tightly in an embrace that felt both fierce yet tender all at once. We were drawing each other closer until there was no space between us left to explore.

He pulled back to finish undressing me, and then started working on taking off his own clothes. My heart raced as I watched him undress slowly, revealing his broad frame and tight skin inch by steamy inch.

I craved him like that decadent dessert I’d been eyeing on the menu but hadn’t gotten to eat. His big hard cock remained coiled in anticipation under the fabric of his boxers, in stark contrast to my own softer curves that longed for his touch.

I licked my lips with desire as he finally slipped them away to expose his dick in all of its glorious masculinity, staring back at her with dominance and control yet still holding a submission that spoke volumes about the chemistry between both of us.

“You want to eat your brother’s cock, don’t you, sister?” he asked me, resorting to the dirty talk we’d come to love to engage in.

It reminded me of when everything between us was so forbidden and taboo. In a way, I guessed I should thank Adele for the trip down that nostalgic memory lane, so that I could relive the thrill that came from fucking my stepbrother.

“Yes, brother, I do,” I told him.

“Then get on your knees, sister,” he commanded me.

“Yes, Sir.”

I couldn’t resist resorting to being submissive, as I knew how much he loved it. Just as I loved when he was dominant.

I knelt down in front of him, my heart pounding. His eyes never left mine as I ran my hands up his thighs and felt the heat coming off of his body.

“I’ve missed your big cock so much,” I admitted.

“My cock has missed your mouth,” he agreed.

My dirty talk was a whisper in comparison to the burning desire building within me. I loved how he wanted this just as much as I did.

The tension heightened with every syllable he spoke, as he told me how his cock wanted to fuck my pussy, but first, he wanted me to eat his cock and then he wanted to tongue-fuck my pussy.

These are words that used to make me blush—especially due to the fact that it was my stepbrother who was saying them!—but now I was loving every minute of it.

Desire burned in my throat, urging me to take his big cock into it, so I did. The skin of his shaft was warm to my touch, and my tongue seemed to melt into it.

The taste of him lingered on my lips as I moved them up and down, exploring every ridge with passionate intensity. His breathing noticeably quickened and he gripped the top of the dresser behind him as if in anticipation of what was coming next.

“Oh, fuck yeah, little sister,” he said, as he pushed his cock further into my mouth. “That feels so good. You’re doing such a good job, wifey.”

I loved how I was both his step sister and now his wife at the same time, and how he was letting me know it. My hands grazed his thighs as I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and sucked, while at the same time twisting my hand around his shaft, jerking it up and down.

Every motion accentuated each gasp of pleasure that escaped from between his parted lips.

“Yes, just like that, take my cock, take it hard!” he commanded me, as he shoved it back down my throat.

It was so far in that it was making me choke, but I kept going, while he fucked my mouth and said dirty, naughty things to me.

“Fuck yeah, my little stepsister slut!” he groaned. “Don’t stop eating your brother’s dick. Take it. Just like that. Yeah. Fuck!”

He released a moan like thunder that could be heard across a still night sky, as I gave him the blowjob of his life in our hotel room with a big window and a beautiful view of the landscape outside.

I could feel it pulsing and throbbing in my mouth and I knew he was about to let out a whole bunch of cum because it had been so long since we’d done this. Sure enough, a torrent of his seed came rushing out and pouring down my throat.

I did my best to gulp it down, but some of it trickled out of my mouth and ran down my chin, until it ended up leaving a trail of white sticky gooiness in between my breasts.

“There you go,” he said, taking his cock out of my mouth and bending down a bit so that he could rub it all over my cleavage. “Let your brother clean you up now, with my cock, because I got you so nice and dirty.”

“Yes, Sir,” I said, sighing happily as he beat his cock all over my tits, making sure to wipe up every last drop of his cum.

“Fuck, that was hot,” he said, as he held me against him while he stood leaning against the dresser. “And there’s more where that came from. We’re going to be doing this all night long. Next up, it’s your turn. And then I’m going to fuck you like my dirty little stepsister wife that you are.”

“Good,” I told him, smiling happily up at the stars that I could see through the window. “I’m counting on it. Happy first anniversary. I love you and I’m so glad you’re my husband and the father of my child. And I’m not afraid to tell the whole world that. Even snotty, judgmental Adele!”

“I love you too” he answered. “And I loved seeing the look on her face when you told her that. Happy first wedding anniversary. And here’s to many more.”


The End. Thanks for reading!

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